Updated on July 1. Updated on Jun 24.

Here is the task check-list.

  1. Completes derivation report.
  2. Adds new classes. One abstract class _BasesMixture. Three derived classes GaussianMixture, BayesianGaussianMixture, DirichletProcessGaussianMixture
  3. Removes numerical stability fixes for HMM. It seems that whenever there is a numerical issue, the code always adds 10*EPS in the computation. I think in some cases there is a better way to address the problem, such as normalization the extremely small variables earlier, or we just simply remove 10*EPS which is only for HMM.
  4. Writes updating functions for BayesianGaussianMixtureModel and DirichletProcessGaussianMixtureModel according to the report.
  5. Provides methods that allow users to initialize the model with user-provided data
  6. Corrects kmeans initialization. It is weird when using kmeans initialization, only means is initialized. The weights and covariances are initialized by averaging.
  7. Writes several checking functions for the initialization data
  8. Adjusts the verbose messages. When verbose>1, it display log-likelihood and time used in the same line of the message Iteration x
  9. Simplify fit_predict
  10. Adds warning for params!='wmc'
  11. Studies and contrasts the convergence of classical MLE / EM GMM with Bayesian GMM against the number of samples and the number of components
  12. Friendly warning and error messages, or automatically addressing if possible (e.g. random re-init of singular components)
  13. Examples that shows how models can over-fit by comparing likelihood on training and validation sets (normalized by the number of samples). For instance extend the BIC score example with a cross-validated likelihood plot
  14. Testing on 1-D dimensions
  15. Testing on Degenerating cases
  17. Old faithful geyser data set
  18. Rename score_samples
  19. Add integrating test
  20. [optional] add a partial_fit function for incremental / out-of-core fitting of (classical) GMM, for instance http://arxiv.org/abs/0712.4273
  21. [optional] ledoit_wolf covariance estimation

The most important progress I have done is the derivation report which include the updating functions, log-probability, and predictive distribution for all three models, and the implementation of the base class. Compared with the current scikit-learn math derivation documents, my report is consistent to PRML. It clearly depicts the updating functions of three models share a lot of patterns. We could abstract common functions into the abstract base class _MixtureBase. The three models could inherit it and override the updating methods.

Next week I will finish the GaussianMixture model with necessary testing functions.

GSoC Final Project Report

GSoC is approaching its end. I am very glad to have such great experience this summer.I explored the classical machine learning models, G...… Continue reading

Progress Report 3

Published on August 07, 2015

GSoC Week 8, 9 and Progress Report 2

Published on July 27, 2015